Watch Me on KDKA's Pittsburgh Today Live!

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Let me start off by saying how incredibly grateful I am for such a wonderful opportunity that was brought my way. A huge Thank You to Dave Forstate for seeing a story in my work and making that story come to life (yep...that's the link to the actual segment). A huge Thank You to KDKA's Pittsburgh Today Live show for giving that story a platform to reach tons of women and share the message of self-love, confidence and empowerment. I cannot thank you each enough for allowing words that I have been speaking for years to reach so many more women in 5 minutes than I could in 7 years. Lastly, a ginormous thank you to Lee Ann, of At Home Beauty, for lending your awesome talents to me and making our muse, Christina, look so incredible for her transformation. Deep, deep bows of gratitude to every person that was any part of this. So a bit about how this all came together. I received an email in early February from Dave Forstate, who is an Emmy award-winning feature photojournalist for KDKA and WQED. In the email he discussed my Before & After gallery and that he really wanted to do a film/interview on the transformations for a potential Valentine's Day feature. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I contacted him back and we quickly put together a shoot at my studio so that we could get the film moving along. As we were going through our day and Dave continued to ask me questions to get my answers on film, the story began to take on another life, more about how I use my photography as a platform to help women feel confident, empowered and beautiful. I was lucky enough that Dave saw a bigger story and soon after, the producer at Pittsburgh Today Live saw that story as well, and soon scheduled it for that show.

I will tell you that yesterday was such an amazing day. Not only seeing the final segment on TV, but more importantly watching a message that I've been trying so hard to get out into the world take on a life of its own. If this segment helps one woman believe that she is a powerful, significant and beautiful person in this world then that segment did its full job.

I was also over-the-moon-thrilled with the response. So many past clients commented on their past sessions with me, confirming the message that has become my mantra, and so many other people have reached out to comment on that mantra and its positivity for a population that needs it most. I thank each of you for sharing your stories, your experiences with me and your affirmations about self-love and the importance of women uplifting other women. What a fine day it was.

And lastly, I want to give a shout out full of love for my clients. It's because of each and every one of you that I have been able to give my message life. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have had this opportunity and I wouldn't be able to live my life every single day doing exactly what I love. Go ahead...take a moment and pat your own back. You deserve it.

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So if you have a minute and want to watch the segment, click here and have at it! After you click away, come on back and watch our behind-the-scenes film John was able to create. Enjoy!!